Posts by Dawnsio

6 Items

Eisteddfod Central Panels

by Dawnsio

The National Eisteddfod are recruiting for members of some of their central panels: for more details.

WFDS’s 75th Anniversary

by Dawnsio

This year, the Welsh Folk Dance Society is celebrating its 75th anniversary! To celebrate, we will be hosting a dinner and a dance in Llandrindod – follow the link for more information about the celebration.

New for 2024 – Costume Grant

by Dawnsio

Over the years, the Society has received a number of applications for grants for costumes, and the Executive Committee revisited the matter before Christmas – and decided that WFDS will now consider awarding a Costume Grant to teams that are members of the Society. Follow the link for more information and conditions:

2023 National Eisteddfod

by Dawnsio

Llŷn ac Eifionydd National Eisteddfod, 5-12 August 2023 We look forward to a busy week of Folk Dancing performances and competitions at the National Eisteddfod. The timetables have now been published – click here for a full list of all Folk Dancing events at the Eisteddfod. Ymlaen â’r ddawns!

The Urdd Eisteddfod’s folk dance practise tracks 2019

by Dawnsio

Click on the dance names to download MP3 tracks for Eisteddfod yr Urdd 2019 rehearsals. Length of dances Where the instructions don’t note the number of times to perform a dance, tunes were recorded a suitable number of times for practise tracks, but they may be performed any number of times. Second tunes The tracks

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2015 Llangollen Eisteddfod

by Dawnsio

The 2015 Llangollen International Eisteddfod syllabus is now online – click here to go to the competitors’ website. Remember that the deadline for team competitions is the 21st of November 2014!