Roedd dathliadau’r parti platinwm yn achlysur arbennig yn hanes ein cymdeithas. Yn ystod penwythnos Hydref 25ain i’r 27ain, roedd cyfle i fwynhau noson gwis; dawnsio ym mynedfa fawreddog Sain Ffagan; cymdeithasu yn y ginio fawreddog a’r twmpath ac yna, ar y bore Sul, cyfle i ail-weld cyflwyniad ar hanes y gymdeithas.

Diolch i Eiry Palfrey am ei gwaith trefnu, a dan arweiniad Dr. John Idris Jones fel cadeirydd, roedd yn benwythnos i’w gofio!

Ewch i’r oriel i gael blas o’r dathliadau.

The platinum party celebrations were a special event in our society’s history. During the weekend of October 25th to 27th, there was an opportunity to enjoy a quiz night; massed dancing at the newly refurbished St. Fagan National Museum of History;  socialise at the gala dinner and ‘twmpath’ and lastly, on the Sunday morning, another chance to enjoy a depiction of the society’s history.

Many thanks to Eiry Palfrey for her wonderful organisation and, under Dr. John Idris Jones as chair, it was certainly a memorable weekend!

Visit our gallery to see some of the celebrations.